Monday, March 12, 2012

OrderNow Advance Termite Bait Cartridge II (6 pack)

Advance Termite Bait Cartridge II (6 pack)

Product Description

Active Ingredient: Diflubenzuron - 0.25% DESCRIPTION: The Advance Termite Bait Cartridges (TBC) are used during the baiting phase. After termites have been identified in the monitoring stations, the Advance Termite Inspection Cartridges (TIC) are replaced with these bait cartridges. The bait is contained in a plastic container for easy inspection. The stations should still be checked every 3 months even when termites are present in the baiting station. 6 units.



    1. I truly like to reading your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information.
      Termite bait

    2. Thanks for your useful review about Advance Termite Bait Cartridge II. Termite treatment is very hard, but proper technique and pesticide makes the job quite easier. I like your review.

    3. Thanks bro for the review. I wanna use The Advance Termite Bait Cartridges (TBC) for controlling those devils.

      termite bait | Effective pest control
